
Supporting Stratford Hall

one generation plants the trees,

List of 1 items.

  • so that another may enjoy the shade

    There is a proverb we frequently use to describe the unique point at which we find ourselves in our journey to build Stratford Hall's legacy. The proverb reminds us that: one generation plants the trees, so that another may enjoy the shade. Today's Stratford Hall students are enjoying the shade created by two decades of dedicated families, but our work is far from over. There are many more "trees" that still need planting and we need every member of our community to contribute.

    When it comes time to make your gift to the Annual Fund, we ask you to be mindful that your child is benefiting from the generosity of the parent community who came before you, and to consider a gift that will make a lasting impact. If everyone gives what they can, we will be more and more able to deliver an exceptional educational experience that helps every child reach their potential.

    Financial gifts are held in our Annual Fund, from which any disbursement must first meet one critical criteria: will the project enhance our students' educational experience?

    These funds have been used: 
    • to help send students to international competitions,
    • to enhance our technology offering,
    • to fund a First Nation's Artist in Residence,
    • to support financial assistance, to bolster the endowment,
    • to add to our libraries,
    • to hire specialist staff for our IDEA Lab, and
    • for tech-related infrastructure upgrades. 
    Whether by donating funds, sharing specific skills or volunteering your time - it is our collective efforts that transform the student experience from ordinary to extraordinary.

    If you are able to help enhance the student experience at Stratford Hall, please contact Isabel Sankaran-Wee, our Deputy Head of School for Advancement and Strategy. All donations over $25 are eligible for a tax receipt.
Contributions to Stratford Hall are tax creditable as prescribed by Canadian law. Stratford Hall (School) Society's Charitable Registration Number is: 873164727 RR0001.

Meet the Team

Isabel Sankaran-Wee, CFRE, IAP-L
Deputy Head of School for Advancement and Strategy

Adele Armstrong
Enrollment and Community Relations Manager

Kelsey Hayre
Assistant Director, Advancement

Leah Marin
Advancement Assistant

Aldrich Tan
Assistant Director, Advancement Services and Data Management

Vera Tam
Annual Fund and Donor Relations Officer