Our Programs



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  • Home of the Sabres

    A strong athletics program is one of the cornerstone of a well rounded education. At Stratford Hall, interscholastic sports are an integral part our educational program and they support the school’s mission and vision. The athletic program fosters student participation in multiple sporting events and promotes equal opportunities and experiences for all students.
    In addition to improving skill development, the athletic program at Stratford Hall helps students to develop positive attitudes and behaviours that reflect the values of the school. These values include: citizenship, sportsmanship, self-discipline, and respect for self, the sport, opponents, and referees. A well-organized, goal-oriented program, conducted by competent and dedicated adult leaders, ensures that our student athletes serve as excellent role models.
    As members of the Independent School Elementary Association (ISEA), our students compete against other independent schools in the Vancouver and Victoria areas.

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  • Fall (Term 1)

    • Elementary Boys Soccer (Grade 5, 6-7)
    • Bantam Soccer (Grade 8)
    • Junior Soccer (Grade 9-10)
    • Senior Soccer (Grade 11-12)
    • Elementary Girls Volleyball (Grade 5, 6 and 7 teams)
    • Bantam Volleyball (Grade 8)
    • Junior Volleyball (Grade 9-10)
    • Senior Volleyball (Grade 11-12)
    Cross Country
    • Cross Country (Grade 3-5)
    • Cross Country (Grade 6-7)
    • Cross Country (Grade 8-12)
  • Winter (Term 2)

    • Elementary Boys/Girls Basketball (Grade 5, 6 and 7 teams)
    • Bantam Boys Basketball (Grade 8)
    • Junior Girls Basketball (Grade 8-10)
    • Junior Boys Basketball (Grade 9-10)
    • Senior Boys Basketball (Grade 11-12)
    • Senior Girls Basketball (Grade 11-12)
    Rock Climbing
    • Grade 6-12 Rock Climbing
    • Grade 3-7 Swimming
  • Spring (Term 3)

    • Elementary Ultimate (Grade 4-5, 6-7)
    • Bantam Ultimate (Grade 8)
    • Junior Ultimate (Grade 9-10)
    • Senior Ultimate (Grade 11-12)
    • Badminton (Grade 8-12)
    Track and Field
    • Track and Field (Grade 4-7)

Athletic Director

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  • Bobby Nishi 

Physical Education

Many first-time visitors are amazed that two of our buildings contain full-sized comprehensive gymnasiums, with exercise and training facilities that rival those of a downtown sports club. And, while we do have physical and health education classes, we integrate fitness into other areas of study as well; for example, our Japanese Taiko drums in Music class offers a workout that epitomizes the synchronization of mind and body.