District/Authority Scholarship

Excellence in a Chosen Area of Interest

Value: $1,250
Number available: 5,500

The Ministry of Education distributes 5500 District/Authority Scholarships across school districts and independent school authorities that recognize graduating B.C. students for excellence in their chosen area of interest or strength. Winners receive a $1,250 scholarship voucher to use towards their post-secondary tuition.

Students must demonstrate outstanding achievement in one of the following groups:

Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies    
E.g. Business, Home Economics, Media Arts, Technology, Tourism

Community Service (Volunteer Activity)    

Includes awareness of local, global, and cultural issues

Fine Arts    
E.g. Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

Indigenous Languages and Culture    
Demonstrated at school or in the community

External Assessments or Languages Curriculum, including AP and IB courses 

Physical Activity (and Health)    

E.g. Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics

Technical and Trades Training    
E.g. Coding, Culinary Arts, Mechanics, Robotics, Woodwork
