OCAD University: Summer Workshops

Open to ages 15-19
Dates: TBD
Cost: Varies
Being an artist or designer is not just about acquiring technical skill, it is also about being a strong critical, conceptual and creative thinker. At OCAD University, we teach our students how to be well rounded artists and designers who can talk about their work, write about their work, present themselves, and market themselves. We set out to help them find their place in a larger community of creative makers and thinkers by encouraging them to seek out opportunities to participate, connect and collaborate with one another.

So when you are preparing your portfolio, we want to know what motivates and excites you, where your ideas come from and most importantly, who you are. With that in mind, we developed the Summer Workshops at Home.

OCAD University’s Summer Workshops at Home are 3-week long studio experiences dedicated to help you create a finished work, or several finished pieces, for your portfolio! This programming is made for emerging artist and designers looking to pursue post-secondary education in the creative field. 
